I’m glad you’re here.
I started Hortin Financial Group to help people with disabilities and other special needs and their families. I help educate and empower families to be able to answer these commonly asked questions:
To fully understand my passion and motivation for working with special needs families, I will share our story.
After completing a three year commitment as a Lieutenant in the United States Army in Nuremberg, Germany, I became a financial advisor in 1987. I experienced how comprehensive planning helped many families find financial independence and peace of mind.
In 1989, our family’s world changed dramatically when our son, Joseph was born. On his eighth day of life, he went into cardiac failure. He was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect. This began a life of open heart surgeries, hospital stays, doctor visits, NG tube feedings, and dispensing pharmaceuticals. His care was a family affair that included his two older sisters. He meant the world to us. On July 18, 1994, Joe died during his third open heart surgery. Our young family was devastated.
A year later we learned that we were expecting our fifth child, Carrie. Through prenatal ultrasound, she was diagnosed with a similar congenital heart defect. She faced her first open heart surgery when she was four months old. She has undergone multiple surgeries, hospital stays, a spinal cord injury, a traumatic brain injury, a pacemaker, and on and on. Through the love and support of her parents and her three older sisters she is a successful Occupational Therapy Assistant (CODA).
In 2006, I learned about MassMutual’s SpecialCare program and how I could help make a difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities and other special needs and their families. When I shared what I had learned with my wife, Pam, she stated, “I wish there would have been someone like that when we were going through those difficult times.” That thought has motivated me ever since.
I completed the training and certification in September 2006 and became a Special Care Planner with the MassMutual SpecialCare program. Since then, I have devoted my practice to helping special needs families plan for the future care of their children. It appears that the first 19 years of my career were to prepare me for my life’s work.
Through personal study, on-site trainings and attending national conferences I completed the course work to receive the Chartered Special Needs Consultant (ChSNC) designation in 2012. This is offered through the American College of Financial Services in King of Prussia, PA and is the only designation in the financial services industry focusing on special needs planning. I continue to try to improve my skills to help special needs families.
I have earned the following designations:
When I’m not working with clients, I love spending time with my wife and family. Some of my most cherished names are Dad and Grandpa. In my down time, I enjoy woodworking, gardening and playing golf (even though I’m not very good).
All information provided is financial in nature and should not be construed or relied upon as legal advice. Individuals seeking legal advice should solicit the counsel of competent legal professionals knowledgeable about the divorce laws in their own geographical areas. Divorce financial planning is a fee-only process that does not involve investment advice or securities or insurance transactions.